Sunday, April 5, 2015

Beach profiling by JohnCarl M

This is a transcript from the Answer, a book written by Dr. Charles Terrin, as copied by Sir Clark Arkadelphia.
This is the method any self-respecting gentleman will use for beach profiling.
1. The obvious first step to any scientific procedure is to write down the time, place, date and surroundings of the above hinted scientific research. In this situation, beach profiling. 
2. Then you shall find a monument that does not stray of whenever you look away. 
3. The third step is to take out your Emory rods (named after my dear cousin Dr. Robert Emory.) You set up the aforementioned rods a distance of five feet apart. This should make the line taut. 
4.  Step the fourth is to have a helper hold one rod and another gentlemen hold the other rod. I do hope the fellows are bright enough to hold the rod straight or else you shall have give them a yelling to do so.
5. If it is a downwards slope, you stand in front of the rod further from the ocean. and make the tip of the other rod line up with the horizon. Then check to make sure the rod is grasped straight.
6. Check to make sure that the rod is grasped striaght. 
7 . Match where the other rod is on your rod. That is the distance that the land slopes downward.
Alternate 5. If it is an an upwards slope, you must yell at the fellows to get the rod flippen striaght and then you line up your rod with the horizon.
Alternate 7. Match your rods tip on the other rod and that is the amount the land slopes up.

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