Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Postcard from My Staycation 2/25 - Len G

It snowed, (we got 4 more inches) overnight but today it's sunny and bright.  35 degrees, almost toasty. Not a breath of wind or cloud.  The sky was gradations of blue and awesome.

Orion came by at 9am. We decided to look for a couple of Walking Sticks while we waited for Raymond to get here.

This is Cherry and very stout. It will be one fine walking stick.

Raymond got here at 9:30 we begin our work with a light stretch.

That's the harbor behind them, eat your heart out everyone vacationing somewhere warm!

Raymond and Orion did some flotsam and jetsam removal. we'll re purpose what we can and compost the rest.  For lunch we went to Sophie T's for pizza.  

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day One~~Vacation Postcard~~By Elena

​The Steamship Slow Boat
I'm listening to music, while waiting to arrive in Hyannis!
It is very cloudy, and cold.
Monday,  Feb 23rd

​In this picture I'm in the car in Cape Cod, heading to the hotel in Greenwich, CT.
It is partly cloudy. 

​I am in Connecticut, at the hotel. This is the view from my side of the room.
It is cloudy.

​Right now, I'm at the pool, in the hotel in Connecticut! Outside, it is partly cloudy and pretty cold! It is very warm in the hotel though!

How I plan on spending my winter break

For vacation I am staying at home for the whole break.  It is very cold and raining.  I am going to have a sleep over with Sam "mule" over the break.  I will also be watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows again. 
Most of all I will  be sleeping. Yay. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Warm Thoughts

Erosion - Sophie G.

Erosion is when the ground breaks down,
Running water flows all around.
Once the water hits the bluff,
Sometimes it will make the sand fluff.
Inside the ocean water flows,
On top of the cliff roots are pulled from below.
Now erosion is affecting the land,
Someday the island will be torn by the crumbling sand.

Erosion - Katie G.

Enormous rumbling and a crazy sound.
Rocks weather by the water that plashes threw the ground.
Ocean waves crash threw the ground creating an indent on the surface.
Severe winds slowly push the sand creating a shape that is the opposite of perfect.
 Inside and out, you can see the rocks and land break down and blow away.
Away the sand goes flowing in the wind.
Now what? Well, it happens again.

Erosion - Anah B.

Every day things change form
Rain, snow, wind splash and storm
Oceans pull and push many things
Severe winds rumeg through all of it
It runs watery fingers through the bluff 
Over the ground, through the air
Never stopping until his job is done as he blows his powerful mights

Erosion - JohnCarl M.

Energetic waves lap the shore.
Rain and wind and a whole lot more.
Over the dunes the flood does come.
So this is Nantucket, ummm
Ice and and a storm, that's the norm
Onto the waves crashing into the shore
Nantucket, Nantucket,we've got a lot of it

Erosion - Ella E.

Erosion is a process in which sand, dirt, etc. gets pushed down because of natural causes.
Rocks are moved during this process
Oh so windy, adds to erosion

Sea so powerful, erodes the bluff

Interested in erosion, scientists study and take measurements of erosion

Ocean erodes sand, dunes, etc.

Nantucket has lots of erosion, for it is made up of sand!

Erosion - Ava W.

E - Every storm that hits the island causes erosion.
- Rocks fall down into the ocean.
O - Ocean's have a lot of sand in them, partly because of erosion.
S - Storms help cause erosion. 
 I - Inter locked with different layers of sand.
O - On our island, it would be useful to stop erosion.
N - No don't climb on the bluffs!

Erosion - Louisa L.

Every one every day destroys the bluffs .   
 Rocks move so fast during this process .
 Oh , the ocean is so fast and powerful . 
 Sea grass holds the dunes together. 
 Island washed away by storm. 
 Ocean will flood, causing mud.
 Nothing stops the ocean. 

Erosion - Shea H.

Every day it will change form
Rocks will weather by water
Oceans will push through sand and make an erosion
Sand blows and sticks on the ice
Islands can disapper by erosions
On this island we have a lot of erosions 
No climbing bluffs, you can die 

Shea, Shea 

Erosion - Jake T.

Erosion happens every storm
Really bad things happen
Once a house fell down the bluff
Saltwater is something that can make it happen
 Its bad for an island
Once is enough
Not good

From Jake

Erosion - Isobel C.

Erosion happens on Nantucket.
Ruins the island.
Our oceans cause erosion.
Sand falls off the bluffs during erosion.
Islands can be destroyed by erosion.
On our island erosion happens.
Nantucket island has erosion.

Erosion - Samuel H.

Erosion can happen from water.
Rocks fall when erosion happens.
Ocean water can cause erosion.
Sam saw and eroded cliff.
Ice melts and causes erosion
Orion studied erosion

Erosion - Orion D.

Erosion. Happened in storms. 
Rust crabs
Oh no. Not good
Some people hurt the bluff
I think that the wind does the most erosion
Orion learns about erosion
Not good

Erosion - Samir B.

Erosion is the meaning to destruction.
Rocks fall on some bluff cause that's some dangerous thing.
Ocean will take over land the ocean is the king of land.
Sand will cover everything breaking houses.
It will make things fall water break.
Oceans will erode our beach, so they can show off their powerful waves
Never ought walk on bluffs cause you gonna get hurt.


The snow, wind, and cold
has about
wore me out.

Sorry for the delay
in posting all
the e
poems etc.

Check back
later today
it should be done
by then


we get another snowpacalypse.


please send me a postcard from your vacation.

Tell me where you are, what you're doing, and all about the weather.

Monday, February 9, 2015

EROSION poem - Alden T.

Every day, our island loses a few centimeters because of erosion.

Rain contributes to erosion of dirt, sand and pathways that you may have.

Once in a while we get a big storm, and those do major damage to our cliffs by eroding them.

Somebody once told me, that beach grass roots help keep cliff sides in place, helping to prevent erosion.

I know that weather is a major contributor to erosion.

Oceans can erode our beaches because of their powerful waves.

Never walk on top of an eroding cliff because it can just make it worse.

EROSION poem - Elena T.

Erosion is caused by wind and storms.
Rocks will fall down all the bluffs, don't climb the bluff, that's some dangerous stuff.
Ocean can flood lands in big storms.
Sand will be effected by wind and cover the land.
It will cause things to fall apart, and there will be a lot of sand.
Oh so much change erosion made, since the storm.
Now be careful of what erosion can do, and make sure it doesn't harm you!

Orion D.

Samuel H.

Samir B.

JohnCarl M.

Jake T.

Sophie G.

Ava W.

Alden T.

Shea H.

Isobel C.

Katie G.

Anah B

Elena T.

Louisa L.

Ella E.


Everybody in Mr. Liddle's Sixth Grade class came to the field station today

Ready, we head to the beach

Over the bluff view from the beach

Students writing in their journals

I"m glad you all came today

Oh my gosh, is that a spider

New School Rocks