Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Journal Entries - Sara J.

Sara J.
As I walked through the Enchanted Forest, I smelt a smoky scent. I ran towards it. As I ran the smoke started to rise over head. As the smoke got thicker I was able to see a long scaly tail; it was about 10ft long!! Then as I turned the bend I saw a huge dragon carcass. Around it were smaller versions of this dragon and I realized that they were newborn dragon babies. Dragons tend to have 4-6 babies a year. Then I noticed a special design on the mama dragon’s forehead. These dragons were the only mammal dragons in the world (they had a thin layer of hair all over their body, therefore they are mammals, so they give live birth. 4 of the 6 babies moved, so I picked them up and carried them back to my lab.I needed to get the babies out of the area because of the smoke from the mother’s nose.
At my lab, I took multiple tests on the babies, than I feed them a special milk.

    Sara J.
On March 18th I found a mother and 6 baby mula-mula dragons, the only dragons that are mammals. Only 4 babies lived, the mother and 2 other babies died from starvation and the mother died from blood loss giving birth. I go back to collect the bones.
there I collect the dragons’ bones, but back at my lab there are 4 bodies, 3 babies and one mother.


Sara J.
I have uncovered the truth!! the mother dragon died giving birth to the 7th dragon baby and the other 2 dragon babies

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