Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Blog Page for the New School Book Club

Creative Writing with the New School

During this school year I'll be working withstudents from the Nantucket New School to create content for a book.  The books will be hand made "perfect bound" paper back books.  Below is a Poem from Anjali, I responded with a poem of my own.
Len Germinara

Recipe Exchange #1

Lemon Crisp Cookies

"They feel crumbly and smushy,
It smells like lemon in a nice twisted way.
They look scrumptious, fit for a king,
The sound of tiny 'eat me!'s are emitted from the cookies.
The taste of these delicious cookies are indescribable to man kind."

                  -Avacado (Anjali)

Almond Milk Moon

I've heard the sound
of the scrumptious
Late at night
the moon full of almond milk
cats circling my feet

I wipe the crumbly sandman 
from my eyes
sit with a plate
of the thing I most appreciate
something sweet

A poem from a friend


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